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THE MEGA MAZE! Our Latest Awesome Adventure!

09 August 2017

Hatton Maize Maze

It’s one of the most extraordinary natural features we’ve ever created at Hatton Adventure World.  And it’s a must for active explorers of all ages!

Covering a massive three acres, our maize maze is still growing.  It’s our very own patch of jungle in the midst of the Warwickshire countryside, just waiting for you at the bottom of the Adventure World.

We’ve even planted it to spell “Hatton” from the air, too!

As soon as you enter our amaize-ing maze, you’ll be transported far, far away from your familiar surroundings.  Venturing along the paths with leafy fronds stretching high above your heads, you’ll be well and truly immersed in our interactive adventure.

And there’s fun for all the family in your quest to unlock the secrets at the leafy heart of the Mega Maze.  Here’s what you need to do …

Work together as a team and search for the hidden coding challenges to discover what’s hidden behind mysterious locked doors.  Be prepared to climb a little, crawl a little, and meet some surprising characters!

We can’t say any more as we don’t want to spoil the surprises for you.  But we can promise you an unforgettable experience at the heart of our family attraction throughout the summer holidays.

So come and make more memories in our Mega Maze, and when you’ve finally completed your challenges, all our other attractions will be waiting for you too!  There’s so many awesome adventures for you to share at Hatton Adventure World this summer.

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