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Schools out for Summer!

25 July 2017

At last, schools are breaking up and families are waking up to six whole weeks of summer holidays.  So much time for fun and adventure ahead – and Hatton’s waiting to help you with LOTS of lovely activities and events to enjoy.

There’s just so much to see and do this summer, with our brand new Mega Maze taking centre stage … and we’ll be reviewing that in our next post.  Water Wars and Water Battles, our mega hit attraction from last year, will also be returning.  Water, water everywhere – it’s fantastic fun for children and adults alike (and yes, you will need a change of clothing!).

Our old favourite, the Hatton Sheepstakes, gallops back into action again.  Place your bets on your favourite member of the flock and you could be a lucky winner!  There’s plenty to see in the skies too as stunning Falconry Displays will take your breath away, and lots of action adventures in the field with outdoor Laser Combat for older children too.

All the animals will be here to welcome you, including our farm animal regulars,our gorgeous wallaby family, our new alpacas and an amazing range of snakes and reptiles.  It’s showtime at Hatton – which also means we’ll be running a full programme of family cabarets for extra value entertainment.

And don’t forget Snorty’s massive Superslide Mania, where children can safely play while adults take a well-earned break.

Can summer really be summer without a visit to Hatton?  Come and see us very soon – we can’t wait for you to join in our Great Summer Adventure!

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